Hear the sledges with the bells- Silver bells! What a world of merriment their melody foretells! How they tinkle, tinkle, tinkle, In the icy air of night! While the stars that oversprinkle All the heavens, seem to twinkle With a crystalline delight;
Lines of the Poem ,The Bells´ by Edgar Ellen Poe
To all our readers of visionsblog.info a very Merry Christmas and a happy New Year!
Aviation Managers provide sights into the current digital practice of their companies at the Aviation Symposium in Frankfurt, November 2017/Photos: jwm
Airline managers see significant changes as well as opportunities for their companies through digitization. It is undisputed: the expectations are high. Leading airlines have long invested considerable sums in digital initiatives, but the very individual passenger information for the journey from A to B is still coming. At the Aviation Symposium in Frankfurt at the end of November, Heike Birlenbach, Senior Vice President Sales Hub Airlines of the Lufthansa Group, Joerg Tuensmeyer, Sales Director of British Airways for Europe, Africa and Latin America, as well as Dr. Ing. Pierre Dominique Prümm, responsible for flight operations and terminal management at Fraport, provided insights into the current digital practice of their companies. The Lufthansa Group has Continue reading “Wanted: Sparkling Idea for Personalized Travel Information”
The competition on German and European skies is picking up speed. At Eurowings, for example, passengers can now book plane tickets from € 29.99 to destinations worldwide.
The low-cost airline campaign of the Lufthansa Group will run until the second Sunday of Advent. The discounted air tickets can be booked until Sunday, 10.12.2017, via www.eurowings.com or via smartphone and tablet via the Eurowings App and redeemed until the end of April 2018. jwm
Easyjet starts competition with Lufthansa/Foto:dpa
After the Berlin Air Berlin insolvency, the British budget airline Easyjet wants to fly from 2018 for the first time on domestic routes and make Lufthansa competition. The airline said that it would offer connections from Berlin to Dusseldorf, Frankfurt, Munich and Stuttgart on a weekly basis from January 5 to a total of 250 flights.
The airline is pleased to be able to offer “more competition and lower tariffs, in particular on domestic German routes, for which there is currently only a very limited selection,” said the European business manager Thomas Haagensen.
Tourism, low cost, regional flights – everyone wants to grow. Panel discussion in Frankfurt (from left: moderator Timo Kotowski / FAZ, Roland Keppler, Oliver Wagner and Jochen-Schadt) / Photo: Messe Frankfurt
Germany and Europe’s aviation business models are on the ,test bench´ after the bankruptcies of Air Berlin, Monarch Air and Alitalia. According to experts, further bankruptcies will follow, as consolidation in Europe is in full swing. In Frankfurt at the end of November this item was heatedly debated on this year’s Aviation Symposium und business models were presented.
Future control of commercial aircraft from the ground? / Image: Psibemetix.Inc.
With the fourth industrial revolution – the industry 4.0 – the interplay of man and machine changes dramatically. The symposium of the Research Network for Pilot Training (FHP), of the Technical University of Darmstadt, this year focussed on this topic.
Can, or will, the artificial intelligence drive the pilots out of the cockpits? How will Industry 4.0 affect the training of pilots and air traffic controllers and change their requirements profile? What about the security risks caused by digital automation, hardware and software failures, the effects of hacking and viruses, the automation scenarios and the cockpit constellations in the future? The following is an excerpt from the report about a two and a half day symposium in the Rheingau with scientists, pilots and training officers of airlines and the German air traffic control, who tried to find answers. Continue reading “Will Industry 4.0 drive the pilots out of the cockpits?”
They currently only exist on computer screens of researchers, universities and development departments of various companies, remind of Star Wars, or exist as a few meters of remote-controlled models. They look like flying skate fish and could be seen at the airports of the world in 20 or 30 years.
Professor Detlef Schulze, Head of the Department of Vehicle Engineering and Aircraft Construction at the Hamburg University of Applied Sciences (HAW), is one of the experts who is instrumental in the development of the revolutionary designs. Together with other professors of the HAW he is thinking about completely new construction methods. A variant in the blended wing body (BWB) is an aircraft whose fuselage flows smoothly into the wings. This creates an aircraft cabin that can transport more than 1000 passengers. Continue reading “With flying skate fish into the future?”
Sees the perfect storm: Thomas Vollmoeller, CEO Xing AG at the economic summit on July 1st in Seeheim/Foto: Gregor Schläger
“In five years, virtual systems will be more important than mobile devices, similar to mobile devices have overtaken the PCs. The power in this new working world will have new talents with their new ideas,” says Thomas Vollmoeller, CEO Xing AG, about the change in the working world. Jobs would be completely redefined by new technologies, the use of robots, Internet of Everything and virtual and augmented reality. It will be the perfect storm.
The global network will create a huge added value and many new jobs. Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality generated new techniques with new opportunities. However, the new structure of the working world with Continue reading “About the perfect storm in a new working world”
Terrace of the conference hotel in Seeheim-Jugenheim / Photo: DA! GmbH
We experience change every day. Can it be designed? What can politicians, entrepreneurs and thinkers do? What can the individual move? Can we look ahead? The answers will be provided by the 2017 Economic Summit, which will take place on July 1 at Lufthansa in Seeheim-Jugenheim. It is under the motto: “Change – shaping change”.
The air routes, Lima 608 ‘, Quebec 102’ and ‘Mike 984’ lead across one of the most beautiful regions of the Eastern Alps, over a piece of Europe, which has largely remained untapped, over a piece of untouched nature, over the National Park Hohe Tauern.
In times like these, it will be more and more important to work together to achieve success for our mother earth, said Federal Chancellor Angela Merkel on June the 1st after the announcement of Donald Trump’s exit from the Paris agreement. We need this Paris agreement to keep our creation. Nothing can and will stop us. “Continue reading “Hidden treasures under Lima 608, Quebec 102 and Mike 984”