An inspection of the ‘Hushliner’

150804_Qatar_A350_015Qatar Airways, five-star airline and national carrier of the Gulf state of Qatar, invited media representatives to a breakfast and tour of one of their four (of 80 ordered) Airbus A350 XWBs during a transit stop in Frankfurt on 4 August.
Guests were cordially met by Frédéric Gossot, Qatar Manager Germany and Austria. The Gulf airline has been using its Airbus A350 XWB twice a day from Frankfurt since March. The aircraft is nicknamed ‘Hushliner’ due to its low noise levels.
15 January saw Qatar become the world’s first customer to ‘introduce’ the ‘environmental role model’ Airbus A350 XWB in Frankfurt. And not without reason. “We chose Frankfurt in order to demonstrate to Lufthansa the strength of its Gulf competitors”, Qatar CEO Akbar Al Baker explained at the event earlier this year.
Continue reading “An inspection of the ‘Hushliner’”

Estonian Air supports Austrian Airlines

estonian_austrian_airlinesEstonian Air, the national airline of Estonia, IATA member and IOSA (IATA Operational Safety Audit) certified, has flown on behalf of Austrian Airlines since June with aircraft of the type Embraer 170 in the Austrian Group Airline network.

From 1 August a second aircraft will support the Austrians together with cockpit and cabin crew in the event of staff shortages occurring at short notice.
Continue reading “Estonian Air supports Austrian Airlines”

Passenger Experience of the Future

exotic-beachWhat will flying be like for passen- gers in 2025? Will conventional check-in have long become a thing of the past? These were just some of the topics discussed by representatives from the world of business, aviation and politics at Aviation Event 2015, which took place in the House of Logistics and Mobility (HOLM) in Frankfurt on 6 July.

Nuria Fermoso, IATA Manager for ‘Passenger Experience, Europe’, showed this video

to start off the podium discussion on the topic of ‘What is set to change soon for passengers before, during and after their journey?’ Passenger Experience of the Future.
Will what we see in the video be a reality in ten years’ time? Increasing digitalisation should make flying a relaxed and almost stress-free experience in the future. For example, there will be information Continue reading “Passenger Experience of the Future”

Austrian Airlines: Uniform Tights and Shoes to Remain Red

Ladiies in red – female Austrian Airlines Cabin Crewmembers love their red shoes and stockings

It is a strong signal: AUA uniform shoes and tights will remain red. 70 percent of the female employees in the Austrian Airlines cabin crew team entitled to vote have decided that their shoes and tights will also remain red in the future. This is the clear result of the uniform vote that has been causing a stir both at Austrian Airlines and in the Austrian press for several weeks.
The Austrian Airlines Employees have now decided to send out an additional signal and tomorrow, on Thursday 18th June, will therefore all wear red socks, tights or stockings in order to Continue reading “Austrian Airlines: Uniform Tights and Shoes to Remain Red”

Transfer of the victims of 4U9525 begins

150417-Trauergottesdienst-FRA-002The repatriation and transfer of victims of the Germanwings flight 4U9525 to the relatives starts tomorrow, June 9th. To start off the repatriation flights, Lufthansa has arranged a special flight with a MD11 of Lufthansa Cargo from Marseille to Dusseldorf.

The plane will take off from Marseille on 9 June at 20:50 and is expected at Dusseldorf at 22:30. There will be 30 coffins of the victims of flight 4U9525 on board. The repatriation of the victims was initially scheduled for next week. At short notice, however, a delay had resulted due to regulatory requirements. The Federal Government Commissioner for the victims’ relatives had then turned to the authorities and received assurances that preparations for repatriation could be made immediately.
After this first special flight to Dusseldorf, the other victims will be gradually transferred to their home countries in the coming weeks.
According to a Lufthansa Press Release, from June 8 are “The French authorities working hard in order to create the formal conditions for the transfer of the victims as soon as possible. Lufthansa is in close contact with the relatives to ensure that the transfer of the victims is carried out according to the relatives’ wishes” .

Foto: Oliver Rösler

MH17: Lufthansa joins Emirates in calling for an airline summit

Emirates_A380Lufthansa, Europe’s largest airline by revenue, joined rival Emirates in calling for an airline summit to discuss the industry’s response to the downing of an airliner over Ukraine, saying international security protocols should be reviewed.

Since Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 was shot down last week, questions have been raised as to why passenger planes were flying over a region hit by fighting.
Tim Clark, head of Dubai’s Emirates Airline, on Sunday said the International Air Transport Association (IATA) could call an international conference to see what changes need to made in the way the industry tackles regional instability.
“We always put the safety and security of our customers and our crews first at the Lufthansa Group and so – needless to say – yes, we strongly support such a summit,” a Lufthansa spokesman told Reuters on Monday. The spokesman said airlines, industry organisations and government authorities would have to jointly review how they approach international security.
Lufthansa, which has defended its decision to fly over the area, said the disaster was of an entirely new magnitude. “Never before has a commercial aircraft been taken down by surface-to-air missiles at cruising altitude on one of the world’s busiest airways,” the spokesman said.
In response to the calls for a summit, IATA, which represents around 200 airlines, said its priorities were to first reunite the bodies of the victims with their families in a humane way and to ensure a successful investigation into the incident.
But it said it was gathering advice and facts from experts and that the tragedy must not be repeated.
“Once we are clear on the facts and we have expert analysis to guide us, the engagement will move to a higher level of global dialogue,” a spokesman for the Geneva-based group said.
Joerg Handwerg, from German pilots’ association VC Cockpit said it was crucial that industry bodies agreed on the action to take and airlines stuck to a unified response.
“As soon as the first airline starts to fly using the old routes, that increases economic pressure on other airlines to follow suit,” he told Reuters. Taking longer routes means consuming more jet fuel, which costs airlines more money.
Source: reuters