Serving the irresponsibility and the greed of consumers for ever cheaper ticket offers, to quickly jet somewhere at the weekend, to fly domestic routes, has further dramatic not only ecological but also economic consequences for the airlines itselves.
After many years of growth in global air traffic with increasing flights, passengers and flight connections, a slowdown in development is currently becoming apparent. Global passenger flight movements increased by only 1.5 percent in June, from 3.3 million in June 2018 to just under 3.4 million in June of this year.Continue reading “Current situation of global air traffic”
Without his “Zugin”, the Styrian harmonica, Norbert Brandtner does not go anywhere. In the last six years, the Pinzgauer from Unken, with around 700 sheep and a dog, mostly a Bordercollie, moved through the Swiss Alps from May to September as a shepherd during his time off from university.
The computer scientist Carl-Herbert Rokitansky speaks of “Stone Age´” when one considers that the communication between air traffic controllers and pilots is still analogous today. Rokitansky, who was involved in the development of the Internet as a young researcher at the German Aerospace Center (Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt; DLR), now heads the Aerospace Research Group at the University of Salzburg, after working on the development of mobile radio networks and the construction of automatic truck tolling systems on motorways.Continue reading “Today’s communication between pilots and air traffic controllers: stone-age?”
For the second time this summer, the business magazine Capital selected the best digital laboratories of major German corporations. The innovation labs from Lufthansa, Linde, Daimler and Pro Sieben Sat 1 are best, according to a study. But Germany has a lot of catching up to do when it comes to digitization, as many say, such as Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer, CDU General Secretary, or Gleb Tritus, co-founder and CEO of the Lufthansa Innovation Hub founded in 2014 in Berlin and a pioneer in many disciplines. talked to the serial entrepreneur, Business Angel and Innovator. Mr Tritus, there is too little awareness of the efforts needed to maintain Germany’s economic strength in a completely changed world for the future, said Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer, CDU general secretary, to the Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung on 16 September. How do you see that?
Gleb Tritus: I agree that there is still too little awareness of the fact that the need for technological understanding and adaptability is no longer linear but disproportionately high. Fundamental changes happen faster than they did ten or fifteen years ago. Here, the business location of Germany is increasingly falling behind. At the same time, Continue reading “Germany has a lot of catching up to do when it comes to digitization”
How much air is left for budget airlines at Vienna Schwechat Airport? Never before has the rush of low cost airlines for an airport been so great. Low prices delight passengers.
Manfred Mann’s Earth Band, the British rock band around the South African keyboardist Manfred Lubowitz alias “Manfred Mann” has written pop history and was a guest at the Rheingau Music Festival: in the Cuveehof of the castle Johannisberg.
Düsseldorf was the ,venue´ of the Aviation Event 2018, the platform for senior-level dialogue between representatives of the aviation industry, business and politics. The approximately 200 participants came from airline companies, aviation associations, air traffic advisors and political representatives. The new challenges for air freight, safety and security, the impact of Brexit, the opportunities of the long-haul low-cost market, the management of airlines in the age of digitization and the problem of ground transportation were the topics of 2018.Continue reading “New Challenges for the global aviation industry”
In the travel industry, Artificial Intelligence, or AI for short, and human creativity are inextricably linked. This is one of the conclusions of this years Travel Technology Symposium of the Travel Technology Club with around 120 participants from the digital and travel industries in Kronberg / Taunus at the end of January.
The ,Age’ of Assistants´, has long been there, says Google Manager Julia Leonhard. It describes how KI has long since redefined the connection between man and machine, company and customer. “The interaction with machines has changed completely,” says Leonhard, “today’s machines are adapting to people. Communication is becoming more intuitive. “Continue reading “Travel industry needs both: Artificial intelligence and human creativity”
They currently only exist on computer screens of researchers, universities and development departments of various companies, remind of Star Wars, or exist as a few meters of remote-controlled models. They look like flying skate fish and could be seen at the airports of the world in 20 or 30 years.
Professor Detlef Schulze, Head of the Department of Vehicle Engineering and Aircraft Construction at the Hamburg University of Applied Sciences (HAW), is one of the experts who is instrumental in the development of the revolutionary designs. Together with other professors of the HAW he is thinking about completely new construction methods. A variant in the blended wing body (BWB) is an aircraft whose fuselage flows smoothly into the wings. This creates an aircraft cabin that can transport more than 1000 passengers. Continue reading “With flying skate fish into the future?”