A stylized flying crane is the trademark of Lufthansa Group. It is regarded as an emissary of the skies, a lucky charm and a symbol of long life. Since as far back as the 1980’s, the company has made a sustained effort for crane protection. Ten of the 15 species in the world are threatened as the destruction of their breeding, resting and gathering areas continues.
Therefore after re-unification, the East and West German crane protectors, together with Lufthansa, founded the “Crane Protection Germany” work group. 25 years ago in February 1991, this was followed by the charitable foundation Crane Protection Germany LLC with NABU and the WWF as shareholders.
“We look back on a quarter century of extremely successful cooperation, which has made it possible to guarantee the protection of the Eurasian crane. Our Crane Information Centre in Groß Mohrdorf in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania also excellently fulfills its purpose of livening up the protection of cranes – in Europe and around the world.” says Dr. Günter Nowald, Director of the Crane Information Centre and Manager of Crane Protection Germany LLC. With its diverse exhibitions, events and tours, the centre is a central point of information, research and congress for scientists, conservationists and bird lovers. In the last 25 years around 625,000 bird lovers have visited the Crane Information Centre and the neighboring lake, Günzer See.
“The Lufthansa Group stands for responsible mobility, networking, and world-wide connections. The crane symbolizes this perfectly. With a tailwind, it can travel up to 100 kilometres an hour and can even fly up to approximately 2,000 kilometres non-stop, and extremely efficiently at that. Crane protection remains an integral part of our social commitment”, says Susanne Kotysch, Director Corporate Responsibility & Event Management, Lufthansa Group.

The latest investment of the Lufthansa Group is a contribution to the observation platform KRANORAMA at Günzer See, which was opened October 15, 2015. It offers barrier-free access to a crane feeding ground for the first time. Live broadcasting of the cranes on a monitor guarantees a direct experience of the birds, which can be up to 1.20 metres long. Constantly updated information regarding the charismatic cranes’ resting behaviour and movement are presented on further audiovisual media. The station is powered by solar energy. In order to guarantee the best possible mobility for employees of the Crane Information Centre in the far-reaching observation area, Lufthansa delivered a vehicle to the rangers. The special connection for the Group to crane protection is also documented by voluntary involvement: Some Lufthansa employées are drawn to the Western Pomeranian lagoon area on the Baltic coast as crane rangers.
Further information regarding crane protection in Germany: